Metalli-yhtye Lacuna Coil on tiedottanut pitkäaikasten jäsenien Cris ”Pizza” Miglioren ja Cristiano ”CriZ” Mozzatin siirtyvän sivuun yhtyeen rivistöstä. Kitaristi ”Pizza” ja rumpali ”CriZ” ovat päättäneen keskittyä täysipainoisesti perhe-elämään, mikä on ollut lähes mahdotonta kiertuemuusikon ammatissa. Yhtye haluaa kiittää kaksikkoa kaikista uskomattomista muistoista, jotka ovat saaneet kokea yhdessä ja toivottaa heille kaikkea parasta tulevaan.
Pizzan kirje faneille: “Dear friends, I’m glad and honored that I’ve had the chance to be able to embark on such an amazing adventure, with such wonderful people as ”travel companions”! I will never forget my time in LACUNA COIL and I wish my sister and brothers all the best for whatever the future may bring. I’m sure you understand! I would also really like to thank every single one of you for showing such amazing love and support for a small band from Milan, Italy, who would’ve never thought would become what it has during these incredible 16 years. Thank you all and enjoy this last record we did with me and CriZ as part of the line-up – it’s some of the best music we’ve done and I’m sure you’ll love it! Keep on rockin’!! Cris ’Pizza’ Migliore”
CriZin kirje faneille: “Hey Coilers, As many of you guys and gals know, during this last year lots of very important things happened in my life – something really amazing, and deep enough to make me sit in front of my laptop to write these bittersweet words… I’m leaving my ”second family” LACUNA COIL because I need this change in my life… this hasn’t been an easy decision at all and I’ve come to it with pain in my heart, because together we laughed and cried; we fought and gave all our lives to this amazing band. Together we lived the dream for 16 wonderful, intense and unforgettable years. All you guys around the world gave me such positive and sincere vibes and emotions that will stay embedded in my heart for the rest of my life! I want to say thank you Coilers, friends, crew, partners, and people that listen to our music for being such an inspiration for me. To my brothers and sis I’d like to say the following: Never stop to kicking asses, you sure know how to! The new record is the best thing we’ve done together. I have put all my passion and feelings into it and I’m sure you’ll love it. I’ll never stop playing drums – as we all know, if you were born with rock inside your veins, you’ll die with it… and this is what I will do. Take care and stay Coilers! CriZ” Yhtyeen tuore ”Broken Crown Halo” -albumi ilmestyy 28.3. ja esimakua levyltä on kuunneltavissa ”Nothing Stands In Our Way” -kappaleen myötä osoitteessa: |
Lacuna Coilin kitaristi ja rumpali jättävät yhtyeen